A big TikTok blind item creator has apparently passed. #kylemarisaroth She was big into Hollywood conspiracies and u/entylawye blind items. RIP

Former “Teen Mom” star Jenelle Evans and TikTok blogger Kyle Marisa Roth are embroiled in a feud over a controversial “blind item” that Roth shared, prompting exclusive interviews with both parties by Heavy to shed light on the situation.

A blind item typically refers to a rumor circulated in a gossip column where the identities of those involved are concealed, and some details are obscured.

Roth maintains that she was merely relaying information created by someone else. “As soon as I heard she was upset, I took down my video,” Roth told Heavy. “If I had any empathy, it’s gone, because I did the right thing and took the video down … and that should have been the end of it.”

While expressing regret for perpetuating rumors about minors that are unfounded, Roth stated that blind items often expose instances of child harm, which motivated her to create her content. Despite acknowledging her occasional mistakes, Roth emphasized her commitment to rectifying errors promptly.

However, Roth, 35, did not anticipate Evans’ response to her video. Evans retaliated by producing her own series of videos discussing Roth, even crafting a “blind item” supposedly targeting the blogger’s personal life.

Roth quipped, “She wants to be like me now. I guess she’s a fan.”

Prior to the contentious blind item that incensed the “Teen Mom” star, Roth was unfamiliar with the controversies surrounding Evans and her husband, David Eason. Roth, who attributes her extensive knowledge of pop culture to being autistic, encountered the blind item on the blog Crazy Days and Nights, authored by the anonymous “Enty Lawyer.” The blind item alludes to a troubling allegation about two unrelated minors being compelled to share a bed, speculating that the parents may seek to exploit the situation for financial gain.